Each project along the way involved some renovation element, so we honed our skills and built our confidence while also growing in our infatuation with the process.

Kelsey had a creative eye, and Noah had the skills to bring her vision to life, so we started improving our own home to sell it for a profit (“live in flipping”). This quickly transformed into house flipping and then became rental property investing. 

While we began in creative fields, (Kelsey as a pastry chef, and Noah as a carpenter in the construction industry) we never really saw ourselves landing here as charged home renovators. 

We have found in working together that we can truly offer the whole package to our clients. From the vision to the skillset, all the way to the quality of work, we complement each other well. We work without ceasing until our clients’ dreams become a reality.

Diving into home renovations together has been one of the most rewarding adventures we have taken.

Why We Do What We Do

Explore our home renos

Wake up with the sunrise, pancakes and Sam Cooke in the kitchen, family coffee walk around the neighborhood

Ideal Saturday Morning:

Behr Paint - Le Luxe

Current Favorite Paint Color:

Tape measure! Followed by the chop saw and 18 gauge nail gun

Most Used DIY Tool:

Roman Clay/limewash finishes

Favorite Design Trend:

Bengals all the way!

Sports Team:

We both agree — Italy!

Favorite Place Traveled Together:

K: Hazelnut latte with oatmilk
N: americano

Coffee Order:

the fun stuff