In our recent nursery renovation for my close friend, we gave her nursery closet a quick little facelift. In doing so, we also threw together this quick DIY bow holder, which was too good not to share. My favorite part was this whole DIY bow holder was made using items we already had. Being a mom to a baby girl, I know how frustrating it can be to find a bow to match your little girl’s outfit and dig through a drawer knowing you have one but cannot locate it. This is the perfect solution for that, not to mention great when you lack storage space.
Supplies Needed for this DIY Bow Holder
- Pine or any leftover scrap wood
- Screw-in hooks (I love the multiple different sizes so that you can use the larger for headbands and the smaller for hair scrunchies)
- Ribbon (we had this already but feel free to use whatever color matches your nursery)
- String

The first thing we did was cut our leftover scrap wood to size. We went with 12 inches, but this is entirely your preference. You can make these wood pieces to whatever size you would like. We also cut three individual pieces and determined how many bows we wanted to have on display. You could easily do two or even five, depending on how many bows you have. After the wood was cut to length, I painted them white. Again, this matched the nursery best. You could stain the wood or paint it whatever color you prefer. Once the paint was dry, we drilled holes into the bottom of each piece of wood. These were beginner holes for our screw-in hooks. Again the size of the hooks and how many are entirely up to you. After screwing in our hooks, we drilled a hole on either side of the top of the bottom two wood pieces. This allowed us to screw in two hooks to connect all three pieces with string. Lastly, we attached one hook to the top piece of wood to hang it.

After adding all hooks, we attached our string between each wood piece. Lastly, we added a bow to the top of our bow holder and hung all our bows. To see a full step-by-step, click the button below to watch the video.