If you know me, you know I love baking and making crafts. This project is a fun mix between the two and is one you can make ahead of time and use all winter long. It’s pretty common to see these cocoa bombs at the store, but some of the prices on an individual one can be outrageous. So here is a little how-to on how to make your own at a fraction of the cost.

Supplies you’ll need:
- White chocolate
- Dark chocolate
- Crushed candy canes
- Half circle chocolate molds– these are the ones I used from Amazon
- Cocoa mix
- Marshmallows
Simply melt your dark chocolate in the microwave melting in 30 second increments. Then fill each half circle mold with melted chocolate making sure to coat the sides. Put in freezer for 15 minutes. Remove all chocolate molds from your silicone mold pan and place half facing up on a sheet pan. Fill each one halfway with cocoa mix and marshmallows. Heat a small pan on the oven and then take the remaining half molds and quickly tap them on the hot pan, letting the chocolate slightly melt before placing on top of the half filled cocoa molds. Melting the chocolate on the rims adheres each mold together. Melt some white chocolate in the microwave again in 30 second increments. Then place melted white chocolate in a piping bag or Ziplock bag and cut a small hole at the tip of the bag. Drizzle a thin layer of white chocolate on each cocoa bomb before sprinkling with crushed candy canes. Place back in the freezer for 10 minutes. Then enjoy whenever! I bagged and bowed a few as well and they make for great gifts!
Here is a quick video with a step by step!